Doug Ford Beating Drums for a Third Wave — The World Has Gone Crazy
Beating Drums for a Third Wave by Doug Ford
Is Doug Ford Beating Drums for a Third Wave? According to Mr. Ford, “ it would be terrible if Ontario was forced into a lock-down due to a third wave”.
The statement was made yesterday Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021, In Toronto at a mass vaccination clinic where the Premier announced that close to 4 million dollars in funds will be allocated to ensure people have transportation who need or require covid-19 vaccines.
Doug Ford was asked by many if he would relax restrictions regarding outdoor activities such as outdoor haircuts, and even outdoor Fitness classes in regions still considered under lock-down?
He replied by saying that talks will take place on Wednesday, March 24th when he has his meeting or briefing with his cabinet, then quickly he turned the tides and started stressing how important it is to continue following the recommended Health guidelines. many people still cannot understand why they call it recommended or advised? When they are mandated, or forced upon the Canadian population.
“I can’t stress this enough, please. We have to be cautious,” Ford said, adding that the province’s third wave of COVID-19 concerns him 24/7. Said, Premier Ford.
Ford said he needs to watch Ontario’s COVID-19 daily case numbers, which have increased over the past few weeks, “like a hawk.”
However, many in the Ontario government like politicians, and officials, are starting to question why Mr. Ford is only using case counts and not discounts regarding this pandemic?
Mr. Ford answered that he believes it’s great that many people get out and get into the fresh air however Ontarian s must remain at all times vigilant and even follow the protocols set by his chief medical officer of Health Dr. David Williams.
So, let me get this straight asked Dennis Aberdeen, he will listen to One Man and not listen to the CDC and or WHO? who are the ones that put us in this predicament in the first place, right?
Mr. Ford continues to say, “We must keep an eye on the numbers”.
Numbers of what? Asked Jennifer Tompkins, who attended the same conference as this reporter.
She asked, “why are we still in pandemic mode”? she continued to say,” Deth counts have dropped dramatically, and continue to drop, the numbers are not adding up. She attempted numerous times to ask Doug Ford to clarify why he’s just using case counts, Premier Ford refused to comment, and just changed the subject.
According to the official Ontario, positive rates stand at 5.72%, a number that’s been trending relatively upwards since the 18th of March 2021.
Ontario Health officials claim that just over 1,500 new infections or cases were reported Tuesday, Which was actually a decrease a previous week of over 1600… Let’s keep in mind that these numbers have not been verified publicly; these are numbers given out verbally without showing any documentation whatsoever, said Frank Williams, a reporter for an independent news outfit in the southern Ontario region.
Bob Johnson, a part-time correspondence or private flash independent news source said “ something smells fishy, these guys are not telling the whole story”.
Originally published at on March 24, 2021.